Bala Ajjampur

I am an educator, researcher and an experienced consultant in the Information Technology and knowledge management areas. I educate, motivate and train users in the technologies and the methodologies relevant to and prevalent in their verticals. I create and develop course materials for IT professionals and for students pursuing IT coursework.

Linkedin: BalaAjjampur

Shwetha Ajjampur

I have travelled the world to get to know it in its diversity! Embraced several knowledge areas from Corporate PR, Investigative Journalism, Graphic design and Advertising to caring and sharing, through a nursing degree, the very people who create diversity by rich learning!


Suraj Ajjampur

I enjoy reading books related to engineering, education, and philosophy; playing games like Chess indoors and games like Golf outdoors. I meditate and practice yoga. I connect on LinkedIn and Twitter. I am a member of many educational discussion groups following the chatter and to learn and apply the shared info as opportunities come by to serve and contribute.

